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List of Websites Blocked in Russia | Access with Ease


Russia is well-known for its strict laws when it comes to online content. The government heavily regulates the internet in the country, blocking websites that are deemed to be inappropriate or a threat to national security. While the laws surrounding internet censorship in Russia have changed over the years, one thing remains constant: a significant number of websites are blocked in the country.

If you're planning a trip to Russia or live in the country, it's essential to be aware of the websites that are blocked. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive list of websites that are inaccessible in Russia.

List of websites blocked in Russia

Russia has a complex system of online censorship, which involves blocking websites and content deemed inappropriate or harmful by the government. The list of websites blocked in Russia is constantly evolving, but some of the most notable examples include:

Category Examples
Social Networking LinkedIn, Reddit, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest
Video Sharing Vimeo, Dailymotion, YouTube (partially blocked), Twitch, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+
Audio Streaming SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, Tidal
Online Learning Coursera, Udacity, Udemy,, Khan Academy, Codecademy, edX, FutureLearn, Skillshare, Treehouse
Collaboration Tools Slack, Trello, GitHub, Asana, Basecamp, Jira,, Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, Zoom
Q&A and Programming Stack Overflow, GitHub Gist, HackerRank, LeetCode, Codepen,, JSFiddle, SQLFiddle, Regex101, Code Wars
News BBC, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters
Search Engines Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo
E-commerce Amazon, eBay, AliExpress,, Gearbest

These websites are either completely inaccessible or heavily restricted in Russia, with access being blocked through internet service providers (ISPs) and other means of online censorship.

Why are websites blocked in Russia?

The Russian government blocks websites for a variety of reasons, including:

Regardless of the reason, the Russian government has a strong track record of censoring online content, with thousands of websites being blocked over the years.

How to access blocked websites in Russia?

Despite the government's efforts to block websites, there are still ways to access them. Using VPN is the quickest solution, allowing you to bypass online censorship and access blocked websites.

There are many VPN providers to choose from, but not all of them work well in Russia due to the government's efforts to block them. iRocketVPN is known to work well in Russia, as it offers strong encryption and has servers located in countries that are not subject to online censorship.


Features of iRocketVPN

  • Fast IP Address Change
  • Global Server Network
  • 1-Click Interface for Easy Use
  • Enhanced Privacy and Security

To use iRocketVPN - Access Content Anywhere, you can follow these steps:

Here's a step-by-step guide using iRocketVPN:

Step 1. Download and install iRocketVPN onto your computer. Once the installation is complete, simply click the "Quick Connect" button to easily connect to the default recommended server.

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Note: Choose a specific server location by switching to the "Server" tab.

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Step 2. Select a server location you desired, such as the United States. Connect to the chosen server using the VPN software.

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Now, you can verify your your IP address online to ensure that it reflects the server location you've chosen. Check you IP on iRocketVPN official page>>>

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Russia's internet censorship policies have resulted in the blocking or restriction of a number of websites, including those related to politics, copyright infringement, harmful content, and more. While some of these measures have been justified on legal grounds, others have been criticized for limiting freedom of expression and access to information.

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